MVC 3 RC2 Install Error (0x80070643)

This evening I came to installing MVC3 RC2 on both my desktop and laptop. The laptop installed first time, however I found that on my desktop it refused to install. Citing the following error in its install log: Installation failed with error code: (0x80070643)

After poking around in the log file I found that the VS10-KB2465236-x86.exe patch was where it was falling over. To try and get more information I found the temp directory with this file in and ran the installer manually. This also as expected errored, however this time when I looked in the log file I found a slightly different error: Install failed on product (Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone - ENU)

The next obvious place for me to go next was to uninstall the Windows Phone Developer Tools, I figured I can always reinstall them. Upon removing this I then tried to install MVC3 RC2 again. This time it still failed, with the same error I had previously but this time for Visual Studio 2010.

As a final shot I wondered if the Visual Studio 2010 SP1 beta may have had the patch in and was causing some sort of a conflict. As such if I skipped the KB2465236 patch and simply installed the rest of MVC3 seeing if it would work OK.

It turns out I did manage to get it all installed, I had to grab the MSI Installers out of the temp directory that the main MVC installer creates and then run the installers in the following order: aspnetwebpages.msi, aspnetwebpagesvs2010tools.msi, aspnetmvc3.msi, aspnetmvc3vs2010tools.msi and finally nuget.msi
VS2010 now has the new templates and so far everything looks in order. This is a bit of a risky way of installing MVC3 RC2 but for me it works, if you have this issue and want to try bypassing the KB patch then I hope this has helped


  1. I have found the origin of this error, it is a corrupt vs 2010 installation files or their lack, but the mvc3 rc 2 or webPI installer don't show that, you need to do this manually.

    YOU NEED kb patch for intellisense to work and other neat stuff!

    So download mvc3 rc2

    Unpack all content.

    Unpack again vs10-kb2465236-x86.exe to some folder.

    Then right click on VS10-KB2465236.msp and choose Install

    This will start the process and will unveil the problem, i was missing vs2010 installation files and msi just pops out with a message that it can't find vs_setup.msi so i just mount my vs2010 iso image and then choose the right file and then it will install.

    THATS IT - YOU WILL NOT GET THIS POPUP WINDOW ASKING vs_setup.msi IF YOU TRY TO INSTALL MVC 3 RC2 with WebPi or standalone setup, even NOT when you just run the unpacked vs10-kb2465236-x86 Setup.exe in folder !!! You need to do this the msp way.

    After that just install the rest of unpacked msi's, first webpages, then mvc3 and than as you like.

    Hope helps.

  2. Thank you!! It only took me 8 hours, but I think I've finally got a working ASP.NET MVC3 RTW install. The msp advice worked to get the kb2465236 installed. Afterwards I was able to do the installs individually.

  3. Downloaded it today (03/03/2011) and the patch has a different number: VS10-KB2483190-x86.exe. But worked fine following your steps for Windows 7 64bits.

  4. very very helpful. but you need to un-install any installed components first.
    Thank you

  5. MJJames,
    My thanks ,you saved the day and a Friday evening. I installed VS2010 SP1 on my VS2010 Elite Production and got the same error loading MVC3. I got a big warning when i first started to uninstall VS2010 SP1 and backed off of that. You fix worked like a charm. I needed to download NuGet from a presentation i saw from Scott Hanselman the other night also. It finally dawned on me that the other 2 MSI files in the temp directory were for Visual Web Developer. I learned some new things from about these installs from you post.
    I owe you a beer if you are ever in Austin TX.
    Thanks Roy Cotton

  6. WEBPI Said: I don't like you :(

    OS Version = 6.1.7601, Platform 2, Service Pack 1
    OS Description = Windows 7 - x64 Enterprise Edition Service Pack 1
    CommandLine = c:\d77efd4cd4287177490513db60714e1f\Setup.exe
    TimeZone = Iran Daylight Time
    Initial LCID = 1033
    Using Simultaneous Download and Install mechanism
    Operation: Installing
    Package Name = KB2483190
    Package Version = 10.0.30319
    User Experience Data Collection Policy: UserControlled
    Number of applicable items: 1
    Summary Information:

    Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU

    Patch (c:\d77efd4cd4287177490513db60714e1f\VS10-KB2483190.msp) Install failed on product (Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU). Msi Log:
    Final Result: Installation failed with error code: (0x80070643), "Fatal error during installation. " (Elapsed time: 0 00:00:20).

  7. Yes It works. But for me it gave another error, after the Folder problem with the vs_setup.msi. Next problem was, that I allready have installed the nuget.msi.
    But Why, don't tell the Installer this to me?



  8. This post helped us get MV3 installed without any issues. Thanks a ton!

  9. Oh mannn! I spent almost 2 days trying to fix this problem. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


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