The importance of all-age user testing and the UIButton Touch Area

Of late I have been getting various users to try out an iOS app I have been building using Xamarin.iOS, and I got some interesting feedback which I thought I'd share. The app runs on iPod Touch's / iPhone's so a common platform. One of the areas people commented on was Ease of Use. Interestingly most people commented that the app felt natural and looked easy to use, however about 30% of my responses contained "I struggled to accurately tap the response icons", "I kept missing the buttons and began to get frustrated", "Wearing gloves seemed to make it harder to tap the icons". My first response to this was "really?", The icons by my standards were fairly large and didn't look too small, in fact I deliberately made them slightly larger than Apple's recommended 44x44 [ref: ] So I found out more information from the affected users. Turns out ...