DotNet CLI , private NuGet feeds and Linux...
Today I hit an issue whilst trying to run dotnet run for some of our benchmarkdotnet tests which I like to run all new hardware I try out. My pair of Raspberry PI 4's arrived and I wanted to compare the performance of our Fingerprint capture code. I've hit the issue before and last time I figured it out I swore I'd blog and write it up as I knew I would forget! My benchmark project is a straight forward BenchmarkDotNet project however it consumers NuGet packages from both as well as our private NuGet repository which requires authentication. For all of our windows machines this works without an issue for machines on the domain they authenticate seemlessly however when using Linux devices this is a different issue :( Instead on Linux devices we always get: /home/pi/dotnet/sdk/2.2.300/NuGet.targets(121,5): error : GSSAPI operation failed with error - An invalid status code was supplied (SPNEGO cannot find mechanisms to negotiate). This essentially means it ...