WebUSB - An unexpected update...

In January at my new(ish) user group Momentum Meetups , I presented on "Reaching out beyond the Chrome" (although suffering from food poisoning so I was definitely going green at points!). It included WebUSB and WebBluetooth . I was excited by how powerful it was and even had a colleague present something we had been prototyping in out work place. During the talk I mentioned security and how it had been designed so it only works on https and there's a permission model where you have to approve the device before it can be used. Unfortunately this week it came to light that Authentication devices could be bypassed via USB. These devices are a great way of proving you are who you say you are on the web beyond basic 2FA text's or applications. So being able to be able to bypass them via WebUSB is a big deal :( My Original Security Slide A few days later Google then disabled WebUSB by default effectively killing it off until such a time where its made secure...